Prove your humanity

So you just installed Live and your super pumped. You go to create a new track with your favourite plugin and there’s nothing to be found! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to locate your AU/VSTs in Ableton Live. 

Step 1

open ableton live preferences window

Hit (Command + Comma ‘,’) to open up the Ableton Live preferences. Or Simply click on Live in the top left hand corner and selected Preferences.

Step 2


Navigate to the File Folder Tab.

Step 3


The bottom part of the window will be a section called Plug-in Sources. Make sure Use Audio Units is on and yellow. If you use VSTs, make sure that one is on and yellow as well.


Side Note

There are 2 locations for AUs folders on a mac, if you like to locate them you can find them here:

Either in the folder for all users:


Or in your home folder:
